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Informationsdag om Horizon Europes Sundhedsklynge 2022

Europa-Kommissionen holder to online events, som fokuserer på nye fondsmuligheder inden for Horizon Europes Sundhedsklynge i 2022.

1) An Info Day on October 28th (time tba), where they dig deep into the work programme and present all the funding opportunities within the Health Cluster in 2022. A detailed programme will be launched here. No registration is needed (you can jump in and out of the presentations according to your specific interest) and information on how to join is found in the link above.

2) A brokerage event focusing on the Horizon Europe Health programme options in 2022 where you can meet potential partners from Europe and beyond and start building your consortium. This is an excellent opportunity to look for potential partners or coordinators if you have a topic(s) in mind!

The event takes place on October 29th and the deadline to register is October 28th.

You find the Health work programme here and all the topics are also available on the Funding & Tenders Portal.

3) Den 24. november kl. 15:30 – 17:00 præsenteres Cancer Missionen på et webinar. Samtidig præsenteres hovedtrækkene i Europe´s Beating Cancer planen.

Det ultimative mål for Cancer Missionen er, at den i 2030 sammen med Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, skal have forbedre livet for mere end 3 millioner indbyggere i Europa gennem forebyggelse og behandling, ligesom kræftramte skal leve længere og bedre.